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Blockless Review

UPDATE: Blockless does not appear to be accepting new customers at this time.

Blockless is a Canada based SmartDNS provider that aims to bring you great streaming speeds with simplicity of use. While there are a few problematic things, overall they provide a good value for money service.

Our Score
2.25 / 5
From $4.16

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Canada based Blockless bases it's main operation around it's SmartDNS service, so we will discuss this first. They provide well rounded support and set-up for this and as shown below there is virtually no speed loss. It provides a great service if you wish to be constantly connected to a streaming service, though (like most other SmartDNS) it can be a bit of a nuisance if you wish to keep changing back to your standard internet settings and properties. The SmartVPN service (which they recommend when you're on the go) helps bypass the above mentioned problems, but unfortunately, it doesn't always work - though the issues seem to be reserved for BBC iPlayer. Luckily for Blockless, their service hasn't been blocked by Hulu yet (like with many other providers) and if you're looking for a VPN for Netflix, Pandora, etc this is a good choice. The Blockless service allows streaming from 17 different countries. While no Asian or African connections, these locations were clearly well thought out and are the countries where major streaming services are based and available from. They allow 1 IP to be used for the SmartDNS service and 1 connection to be used for their SmartVPN.

Speed and Performance

We gave Blockless our standard performance test to see how it faired. Unsurprisingly, there was hardly any speed loss with either the SmartDNS or PPTP connection. With regards to IP test, we always obtained our own IP since there is no security implemented in either system. The DNS results weren't exactly what we were expecting, since most of the time it pointed towards the US/Canada and Germany but the service and their system worked so we shan't worry about this.


Like every other VPN out there Blockless provides three different plans, with increasing price discounts the longer you sign up for. Compared to a traditional VPN service, they are cheap, however compared to SmartDNS and streaming services [their target market] they are similarly priced. Slightly annoyingly they do not display this information until you sign up for an account. When you sign up you also receive a 7 day free trial (without having to enter any credit card details), which can be extended to 10 if you like them on Facebook.

Customer Service

Blockless ExpressVPN NordVPN
Free trial
24-hour support
Live chat
Money-back guarantee length 30 30

Blockless has two kinds of support: an FAQ and ticket support. Their FAQ covers the basic topics while the ticket support is available for solving the more complicated problems. The ticket support replied in a reasonable amount of time and seemed knowledgeable and friendly. Unfortunately they weren't able to solve our issue with the SmartVPN but we won't hold this against them as they tried their very best and in the end its the developers fault, and not the support teams.

Privacy and Security

ExpressVPN NordVPN
Obfuscation (stealth)
IPv6 leak protection
WebRTC leak protection
Bare-metal servers?
Self-hosted DNS

Since Blockless is aimed at providing high end streaming and uses SmartDNS technology, it does not provide much in terms of security but it understands this and makes no claims on this - which is great. Their SmartDNS does not provide any security what-so-ever but this means you can have the best streaming speeds possible. They also have a service called SmartVPN, but we believe this is wording to be slightly misleading as it is not a private network in reality. The reason for this opinion is as follows:

  • It uses a PPTP connection, which as we have mentioned numerous times before, is not very secure.
  • The settings they use for this PPTP connection also means that it is not encrypted in any way.

Their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are clearly displayed on the website. Unfortunately, while clear on collection and use of information through their website, it does not mention any information with regards to logging through their  service. Their support was great at filling in this gap and told us that the only thing they log is connection errors. Blockless also offers an Ad Blocker service through their DNS set-up so you do not need to worry about all those annoying advertisement lurking around on website. Though a number of VPNs do this, as far as we're aware they are the only one implementing it for their SmartDNS connection.

Final Thoughts

Overall, while there are some things that could be ironed out, Blockless is a well rounded service. They score plenty of ticks in the right boxes and  their service is well targeted and fulfils that target market well. There are a few large competitors that Blockless can be compared to but due to their lower pricing and determination they stand their ground well.

We liked 

  • Great speeds
  • Fantastic support
  • Good value for money

We weren’t so sure about

  • Proprietary apps aren't very impressive

We hated

  • Not much

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Written by: Peter Selmeczy

Peter is a full-time tech enthusiast and gadget geek. When not working, you'll find him playing with Lego or tinkering away on an RPi.


Peter Holden
on June 28, 2019
Ive been trying to contact Blockless since 4th October 2018 to cancel my subscription. Still awaiting a reply. Support page does not direct you to e mail and cancel subscription option does not work. Phone number now not working. June 2019 they withdrew $94 from my credit card for a service Ive been trying to cancel. Credit card wont dispute the charge. Please don’t recommend them. They are a fraudulent company, remove any recommendation.
Douglas Crawford replied to Peter Holden
on September 23, 2019
Hi Peter. As our warning message says, Blockless is no longer operational.
on September 3, 2016
Do not like this service, they automatically charged me $50 US for the year without my consent using my VISA. I had previously told them I no longer wished to have the service because of how slow it made my internet. They charged me a month later anyway and will not refund my money! DO NOT TRUST THEM!
Jared.B replied to Jared.B
on September 3, 2016
I had terrible internet because of your services and it no longer works for Netflix. If you charge people for a service and it does not work .. that is stealing. I will be contacting Consumer Canada Bureau, it seems I am one of many. I will be making great efforts to impact Blockless in anyway I can as I have been charged for a service that does not work, I can not use and will not treat its customers properly. The proper way to take care of this issue would be to charge me a ONE month fee for this month and return the remainder of my money and close my account out. I am not asking for a refund for services already rendered. Your company's actions leave me to believe this is not a Canadian Company.
on July 22, 2016
Garbage!!!! The service is terrible and I have wasted a subscription because they don’t call you back. AND BE CAREFUL I TOOK A OFFER FOR 6 MONTH TO TRY I CANCEL AND CHARME AGAIN "THIEVES", They only communicate via email, and this can be very frustrating. I truly believe this is a SCAM. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! I TRY BECAUSE SOPORT MEXICO AND SPAIN, AFTER 1 MOTH SERVICE THEY REMOVE AND FOR THE LAS 3 MTHS ALWAYS SAID WE ARE WORKING IN IT, LAYER!!!
Pauline O'Brien
on May 20, 2016
Horrible!!!! The service is terrible and I have wasted a subscription because they don't call you back. They only communicate via email, and this can be very frustrating. I truly believe this is a SCAM. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

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We recommend you check out one of these alternatives:

The fastest VPN we test, unblocks everything, with amazing service all round

A large brand offering great value at a cheap price

One of the largest VPNs, voted best VPN by Reddit

One of the cheapest VPNs out there, but an incredibly good service